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the labels on the containers.
the elements of the human body of han rameckers
65% O oxygen-zuurstof •18,1% C carbon-koolstof•9,7% H hydrogen-waterstof•3,24% N nitrogen-stikstof•1,81% Ca calcium-calcium•0,94% P phosphorus- fosfor•0,36% K potassium-kalium•0,24% S sulfur-zwavel•0,2% Cl chlorine-chloor•0,17% Na sodium-natrium•0,041% Mg magnesium-magnesium•0,0075% Fe iron-ijzer•0,0028% Zn zinc-zink •0,0002% I iodine-jodium•0,00014% Cu copper-koper •0,18836% Ba barium-barium•Co cobaltum-kobalt•F fluorine-fluor•Mn manganese-mangaan•Mo molybdenum-molybdeen •Ni nickel-nikkel•Se selenium-seleen---traces of •Al aluminium-aluminium•As arsenic-arsenicum•Br bromine-broom•Li lithium-lithium•Pb lead-lood •Si silicon-silicium•Sr strontium-strontium•V vanadium-vanadium.