'wir wollen etwas neues'

220x180x7collectie m.bruls



20x30, oil on canvas


'w.h.o.' #1

220x180x6collectie PGM-(former ABP)


'w.h.o.' #2

220x180x6collectie m. bruls


'to art'



'150.000 pixels, black and white'

220x180x6collectie m. bruls


abc d'afrique

3x 193x1152x13


'to fuck'






'bindi's'-fallen heart-

220 cm x180 cm x 6 cm, paint on canvas





'50/50-red and black-'

ironing beads, 110x90


'powersexmoney' 220 x 180 x 2 cm.

With ‘SEX POWER MONEY’ Rameckers makes visual what he believes to be the three factors that still drive people in everyday life: sex, power and money. Despite endless ever-growing civilization, everyone can recognize these old-as-time motives, with all the consequences they entail. Whether you’re a man or a woman, black or white, rich or poor. It’s the subconscious super human ego that overpowers the altruist. By exposing men’s desires, Rameckers work can be seen as self-criticism, disguised in lobby language. Nevertheless, the artist acknowledges with a hint of literal colourful optimism that self-criticism is the beginning of the solution. Rameckers uses bright colourful letters to cover up every inch of the canvas with the same three words until there is no blank space left, representing the universal meaning these words have on humankind and the amount of space they take up in our minds. By LAUREN HERMANS 2020


'to love'



'bindi's'-fallen heart #2-

80 cm x 80 cm, paint on mdf


'schitterij #8-galaxy'

110x95x4 cm, paint-glitters


'power sex money' #6

49x33cm, paint on mdf


'sexpowermoney' #13. 200 x 180 x 2 cm.

With ‘SEX POWER MONEY’ Rameckers makes visual what he believes to be the three factors that still drive people in everyday life: sex, power and money. Despite endless ever-growing civilization, everyone can recognize these old-as-time motives, with all the consequences they entail. Whether you’re a man or a woman, black or white, rich or poor. It’s the subconscious super human ego that overpowers the altruist. By exposing men’s desires, Rameckers work can be seen as self-criticism, disguised in lobby language. Nevertheless, the artist acknowledges with a hint of literal colourful optimism that self-criticism is the beginning of the solution. Rameckers uses bright colourful letters to cover up every inch of the canvas with the same three words until there is no blank space left, representing the universal meaning these words have on humankind and the amount of space they take up in our minds. By LAUREN HERMANS 2020


sexpowermoney #14-gold silver bronze-

220 cmx180 cm, paint on canvas.


'mask #1'

aquarel, 36x48cm



acryl on canvas, 220x180 cm

paintings solo exhibitions

'abstract feelings #3'

110x90 cm, gold, silver, bronze, acryl on canvas


'sexpowermoney', 140x115cm, acryl on canvas

With ‘SEX POWER MONEY’ Rameckers makes visual what he believes to be the three factors that still drive people in everyday life: sex, power and money. Despite endless ever-growing civilization, everyone can recognize these old-as-time motives, with all the consequences they entail. Whether you’re a man or a woman, black or white, rich or poor. It’s the subconscious super human ego that overpowers the altruist. By exposing men’s desires, Rameckers work can be seen as self-criticism, disguised in lobby language. Nevertheless, the artist acknowledges with a hint of literal colourful optimism that self-criticism is the beginning of the solution. Rameckers uses bright colourful letters to cover up every inch of the canvas with the same three words until there is no blank space left, representing the universal meaning these words have on humankind and the amount of space they take up in our minds. by LAUREN HERMANS



70x55, different materials
